Support programmes
With our financial resources we support individual researchers and research teams with personal fellowships and project funding.
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The FWO is keen on promoting international collaboration as a driving force for excellence. That is why the FWO signs agreements with a number of countries to support e.g. the exchange of researchers and knowledge.
To develop and strengthen collaboration between Flanders and France in the area of scientific research, the FWO has signed an agreement with the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS). Under this cooperation agreement, Flemish researchers are encouraged to participate in a number of existing CNRS funding channels targeting international collaboration:
In the framework of this MoU, Flemish researchers involved in a by CNRS approved IEA or IRN application can (not an obligation) request a top-up at FWO.
This MoU expired end of 2023 and was not renewed due to the limited interest and the already available FWO funding instruments in support of international collaboration/mobility. As a result, Flemish researchers involved in a by CNRS approved IEA or IRN application that was submitted at CNRS after 01/01/2024 are no longer eligible for an FWO top-up.