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SCK CEN Chair "Prof Roger Van Geen"


In association with

Announcement of results


On the initiative of the Belgian Nuclear Research Centre SCK CEN, the Research Foundation – Flanders (FWO) and the Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique-FNRS (F.R.S.-FNRS) will grant in 2023 the SCK CEN Chair “Roger Van Geen” 2023.


The research for the Chair should be a substantial and original contribution in the field of nuclear energy and/or nuclear radiation. Both technically oriented research and socio-economic types of research related to the field of nuclear research or technology can be considered; possible topics include but are not limited to:

  • Innovative nuclear systems
  • Sustainable nuclear waste management and decommissioning
  • Nuclear medicine
  • Safety of nuclear installations and nuclear material sciences
  • Radiation protection
  • Any other area in nuclear sciences and applications

The recipient of the SCK CEN Chair “Roger Van Geen” will be awarded 12.500 EURO

The recipient of the SCK CEN Chair “Roger Van Geen” is expected to give an inauguration lecture as well as a series of lectures at graduate level for students, SCK CEN researchers as well as the Belgian nuclear community in general. The series of lectures will be organised in interaction with the SCK CEN academy. All related costs will be reimbursed.

Profile and conditions

The SCK CEN Chair “Roger Van Geen” is awarded to an eminent researcher in the domain of nuclear sciences and applications. Candidates should be affiliated to a recognized research institute or university on postdoctoral level or higher; the Chair is open to applicants worldwide. 

The selection criteria are:

  • the scientific quality of the research in fundamental or applied aspects of nuclear sciences during the research care
  • a proven track record of education in this field


Candidates for the SCK CEN Chair “Roger Van Geen” have to be nominated by a senior scientist who is not affiliated to SCK CEN; a letter of recommendation by the nominator is to be added to the nomination form.

The nomination file, written in English, has to be submitted on April 17, 2023 (midnight CEST) at the latest to the address

The following documents are requested:

  • the nomination form;
  • a detailed curriculum vitae, including a list of publications of the candidate who is nominated;
  • a letter of recommendation by the senior scientist who nominates the candidate. The nominator cannot be affiliated to SCK CEN.

Regulations and Downloads


For more information, contact FWO at