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FWO-expert panels

Expert panels are the beating heart of the FWO. They evaluate the applications for fellowships and research projects.

Panels fundamental research

For the fundamental channels, there are 31 subject-specific expert panels and one specific interdisciplinary panel. Each panel is subdivided into a panel for PhD fellowships fundamental research, postdoctoral fellowships and research projects fundamental research.

Biological Sciences

Only members who have explicitly given their approval to have their name listed on the FWO website are included in this overview. Some members are anonymous, but have also been approved by the board of trustees.


Only members who have explicitly given their approval to have their name listed on the FWO website are included in this overview. Some members are anonymous, but have also been approved by the board of trustees.

Social Sciences

Only members who have explicitly given their approval to have their name listed on the FWO website are included in this overview. Some members are anonymous, but have also been approved by the board of trustees.

Interdisciplinary research

Only members who have explicitly given their approval to have their name listed on the FWO website are included in this overview. Some members are anonymous, but have also been approved by the board of trustees.

International collaboration

Only members who have explicitly given their approval to have their name listed on the FWO website are included in this overview. Some members are anonymous, but have also been approved by the board of trustees.

Jury Humanitary acations “Kom op tegen Kanker” and “JEZ!"

In the context of the ‘Kom op tegen Kanker’ and “JEZ!” campaigns, the FWO has a yearly budget available to support patient-oriented research projects with a specific scope on the one hand and “development of young people on a physical, artistic or psychosocial level" on the other hand.

Panels strategic basic research

SBO expert panels are generalist panels in which thematically linked economic and societal projects are evaluated. The most important role of the SBO expert panels is to assign consensus scores for the various scientific and utilization (sub) criteria. This phase is followed by a meta-evaluation carried out by two steering evaluation committees. 

Panels PhD fellowship strategic basic research

Only members who have explicitly given their approval to have their name listed on the FWO website are included in this overview. Some members are anonymous, but have also been approved by the board of trustees.

SBBio1 - Molecular & cellular biology of the Eukaryotes (except plants)

SBBio4A - Applied biological sciences A -environmental technologies, geology, ecotoxicology

SBBio4B - Applied biological science B - Food technology, industrial biotechnology and microbiology

SBBio4C - Applied biological sciences C - agriculture and horticulture

SBMed1A - Pharmaceutical sciences

SBMed1B - Medical biochemistry

SBMed2 - Genetics and functional genome research; bio-informatics science

SBMed3 - Human immunology and Infectious diseases

SBMed4 - Cancer research

SBMed5 - Organs and organ systems: neurology, psychiatry, rheumatology, orthopedics, physiotherapy, dentistry, maxillofacial, ENT medicine and dermatology

SBMed6-7: Organs and organ systems: cardiovascular system, respiratory system, nephrology, urogential system, hematology, gastroenterology, hepatology, endocrinology, metabolism and reproduction

SBMed8 - Health sciences

SBMed9 - Veterinary and animal production

SB-SSH1 – Legal Sciences and Criminology; Economics, Business Economics and Management

SB-SSH2 - Psychology, Pedagogy and Educational Sciences; Communication Sciences, Political Sciences, Social Work, Social and Cultural Anthropology and Sociology, Linguistics

SB-SSH3 - Arts, Art History, Architecture, Design and Literature; History and Archaeology; Theology and Religious Studies; Philosophy and Ethics

SBWT4A - Chemistry A: Organic synthesis, medicinal chemistry

SBWT4B - Chemistry B: Material/polymer chemistry - analytical and inorganic chemistry

SBWT5A - Data science

SBWT5B - Informatics and data communication

SBWT6A - Chemical engineering and catalysis

SBWT6B - Material sciences

SBWT7A - Mechanical engineering A: mechatronics, product design & development, manufacturing engineering, industrial engineering

SBWT7B - Mechanical engineering B: energy generation, conversion and storage, fluid mechanics, biomechanical engineering

SBWT7C - Electronics and telecommunications

SBWT9 - Construction and architecture, spatial planning

Panels Projects Strategic Basic Research

Only members who have explicitly given their approval to have their name listed on the FWO website are included in this overview. Some members are anonymous, but have also been approved by the board of trustees.

SBO steering evaluation committees

The steering committees are responsible for the meta-evaluation of the Strategic Basic Research research projects

Panels Biomedical and clinical research

For the TBM programme, when the call closes, the submitted project proposals are divided into thematic groups based on their subject. A specific expert panel is put together for each thematic group.

Panels research Infrastructure

The evaluation of medium-scale research infrastructure is done by the universities. To evaluate the biennial applications for large-scale research infrastructure, the FWO calls on the Science Commission, composed of international experts, for scientific evaluation and the Invest Commission for financial feasibility. The Science Commission also assesses the scientific quality of the submitted proposals for international research infrastructure. The Strategy commission evaluates the strategic importance for Flanders and whether the investment plans presented are realistic, qualitative and feasible for international research infrastructure applications that are rated scientifically excellent or very good by the Science Commission.