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Governance and policy

The FWO is managed by a Board of Trustees, whose members are appointed by the Flemish Government. The day-to-day management is conducted by the Executive Committee under the direction of the Secretary-General. The Research Policy working group acts as a policy preparatory body.

Organisation Organigram

Board of Trustees

Current composition of the Board of Trustees

Name Title
Blondé Bruno Professor - University of Antwerp
Van de Vel An Umicore
De Paepe Anne Prorector - Ghent University
Delcour Jan Professor - KU Leuven
Dhaene Leon N2FINANCE
Durinx Christine Managing Director - VIB
Lagrou Katrien Professor - KU Leuven
Meulemans Ann 2bridge
Van Bael Marlies Professor - Hasselt University
Vander Beken Tom Professor - Ghent University
van Sas Jos Nokia Bell Labs
Vanderkerken Karin Vice-rector for internationalisation - Free University of Brussels
Members with advisory capacity
Andries Mark Leading official - Flemish Agency for Innovation and Enterprise
Hanssens Johan Leading official - Department of Economy, Science and Innovation
Secretary General
Willems Hans Secretary General - FWO
Governement representatives
Hermans Herwig Budgeting consultant for the Flemish Minister for Finance and Budget, Housing and immovable Heritage, Matthias Diependaele
Lauwers Karl Science consultant for the Flemish Minister for Economy, Innovation, Work, Social Economy and Agriculture Jo Brouns
Huysmans Danny Director Operational Management - FWO

Audit Comittee of the FWO Board of Trustees

The Audit Committee performs at least the tasks set out in Article 7:99, § 4 of the Company Code of 23 March 2019.

Current composition of the Audit Committee of the Board of Trustees

Name Title
van Sas Jos Nokia Bell Labs
Dhaene Leon N2FINANCE
Van Bael Marlies Professor - Hasselt University
Government representatives
Hermans Herwig Budgeting consultant for the Flemish Minister for Finance and Budget, Housing and immovable Heritage, Matthias Diependaele
Lauwers Karl Science consultant for the Flemish Minister for Economy, Innovation, Work, Social Economy and Agriculture Jo Brouns

Appointment and Remuneration Committee

Current composition of the Appointment and Remuneration Committee

Name Title
Blondé Bruno Professor - University of Antwerp
Delcour Jan Professor - KU Leuven
Meulemans Ann 2Bridge
Van Bael Marlies Professor - Hasselt University
Secretary General
Willems Hans Secretary General - FWO

Board of Trustees FFWO

The Board of Trustees of the FWO is responsible for the allocation of the funds which mainly come from the Flemish Government, and to a lesser extent from the Federal Government. The French Community has a fund analogous to the FWO: the "Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique F.R.S.- FNRS". 

The Boards of Trustees of both institutions manage the Federal Fund for Scientific Research (FFWO). The FFWO decides on non-divisible resources and a number of well-defined responsibilities (decisions on common rooms of buildings or certain prizes, donations and legacies).

Current composition of the FFWO Board  – Flemish Members

Name Title
Blondé Bruno Professor - University of Antwerp
Delcour Jan Professor - KU Leuven
Meulemans Ann 2bridge
Van de Vel An Umicore
Van Bael Marlies Professor - Hasselt University
van Sas Jos Nokia Bell Labs
Vander Beken Tom Professor - Ghent University
Vanderkerken Karin Vice-rector for internationalisation - Free University of Brussels
Secretary General
Willems Hans Secretary General - FWO

Board of Trustees IIKW

Current composition IIKW Board of Trustees - Flemish members

Name Title
Blondé Bruno Professor - University of Antwerp
Delcour Jan Professor - KU Leuven
Meulemans Ann 2bridge
Van de Vel An Umicore
Van Bael Marlies Professor - Hasselt University
Vander Beken Tom Professor - Ghent University
van Sas Jos Nokia Bell Labs
Vanderkerken Karin Vice-rector for internationalisation - Free University of Brussels
Secretary General
Willems Hans Secretary General - FWO

Research Policy working group

Current composition of the Research Policy working group

Name Title
Willems Hans Secretary General - FWO
Ballon Pieter Vice-rector research - Free University of Brussels
Boehme Olivier Coordinator strategy and policy cell - FWO
D'hooge, Jan Vice-rector research - KU Leuven
Haenen, Ken Vice-rector research - Hasselt University
Huysmans Danny Director operational management - FWO
Lemahieu Ignace Director research affairs - Ghent University
Vanstraelen Marleen Head of science policy - VIB
Verbaeys Isabelle Head international affairs - FWO
Weyn Maarten Vice-rector research - University of Antwerp

Executive Committee

Current compostion of the Executive Committee

Name Title
Boehme Olivier Coordinator strategy and policy cell
Huysmans Danny Director operational management
Verbaeys Isabelle Head international affairs
Willems Hans Secretary General

Charter on Good Governance

The FWO subscribes to the principles of good governance for external independent agencies operating under private law. The document below (in Dutch) sets out the principles of the Charter on Good Governance and how they are put in practice by the FWO. These principles were drawn up under the umbrella of MOVI, a management network organisation of the Flemish Government, and in cooperation with Guberna, the Belgian Institute for Directors.

Charter on Good Governance (Dutch).


The FWO team is always ready to assist researchers. It ensures the efficient organisation of the various evaluation processes within FWO to guarantee that the various projects and fellowships are awarded and followed up in a timely and qualitative manner. Our administration always aims for a researcherfriendly approach


Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO)

The FWO is a Public Utility Foundation which was granted legal personality by the Royal Decree of 20 January 2006.

The Decree of 30 April 2009 on the organisation and financing of the scientific and innovation policy (BOG (Belgian Official Gazette) 6/7/2009) recognises the FWO as an External Independent Agency operating under private law.

The enterprise number of the FWO is 0880.212.840.



The original statutes of the National Fund for Scientific Research were approved by the Royal Decree of 2/6/1928 (BOG 20/6/1928), the most recent statutes were approved by the Royal Decree of 5/3/1992 (BOG 28/3/1992 and ABOG (Annex to BOG) 2/7/1992). Amendments were approved by the Royal Decree of 20/6/1997 (BOG 17/7/1997 and ABOG 13/11/1997, errata ABOG 11/12/1997).
The three Boards of Trustees of the NFWO/FNRS - the Flemish, the French-speaking and the Federal - are the forerunners of the three current Public Utility Foundations.

The Research Foundation – Flanders (FWO), together with the Fund for Scientific Research-FNRS (FRS - FNRS) and the Federal Fund for Scientific Research (FFWO/FFRS) is the legal successor by universal title to the former National Fund for Scientific Research (NFWO/FNRS).

Federal Fund for Scientific Research (FFWO/ FFRS)

The amended statutes of the FFWO/FFRS were approved by the Royal Decree of 1 April 2007. This is the legal entity that has existed since the approval of the first statutes by RD 2/6/1928 (ABOG 20/6/1928). It is also a Public Utility Foundation.

The enterprise number of the Fund is 0408.367.030.

Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique - FNRS (F.R.S.-FNRS)

The F.R.S.-FNRS of the French Community acquired legal personality on 8 December 2006

Associated Funds

The Royal Decree of 18/1/1965 (BOG 5/2/1965) enabled associated funds to be set up to fund collective fundamental research via research projects conducted by research teams. In this context, agreements were reached with three ministries:

1. Inter-University Institute for Nuclear Science (IIKW/IISN) via an agreement of 12/4/1965 with the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy, now the corresponding Federal Public Service (FOD). For historical reasons this is a fund with legal personality, whose first statutes were approved by the Royal Decree of 6/9/1951 (BOG 13/9/1951 en ABOG 22/9/1951) and amended by, among others, the Royal Decree of 17/5/1972 (BOG 6/6/1972 and ABOG 20/7/1972).
Pursuant to the Law of 8/8/1988 concerning the Funding from Communities and Regions, 80% of the funds were communitised and the Flemish share was incorporated into the FWO’s basic subsidy.
The amended statutes of the Public Utility Foundation were approved by the Royal Decree of 14 October 2007.
The enterprise number is 0850.890.334.

2. Fund for Medical Scientific Research (FGWO) via an agreement with the Ministry of Public Health (now the corresponding FOD) of 7/11/1969, amended in August 1971. This Fund has no legal personality.
Pursuant to the Law of 8/8/1988 concerning the Funding from Communities and Regions, 80% of the funds were communitised and the Flemish share was incorporated into the FWO’s basic subsidy.

Pursuant to the judgment of the twenty-first Chamber of the Brussels Court of Appeal, known under roll number 2021/AR/683, the litigation between FWO/F.R.S.-FNRS and the Belgian State was settled and this on the basis of the settlement agreement concluded between the Parties.  Pursuant to this settlement, the Parties agreed that the underlying grant agreement of 7 November 1969 relating to the claiming of federal grants would cease to have effect. Therefore, as a result of this judgment the FGWO has ceased to exist.

3. Fund for Collective Fundamental Research - initiative of researchers (the former FKFO) via an agreement with the former Ministry of National Education and Culture of 8/4/1965, amended on 1/1/1971. This fund focussed on research areas that were not covered by the FGWO and the IIKW. This Fund had no legal personality. Following the communitisation of education pursuant to the law of 1988, this subsidy fully came under the competence of the Flemish Community. The Flemish share of the subsidy in question was added to the basic subsidy of the FWO into which the FKFO was incorporated.

Since 1/1/1997 the specific scientific committees of these associated funds have been fully integrated into the scientific committees of the FWO.  Decisions concerning specific authorisations and refusals are also made by the trustee bodies of the FWO, but submitted to the trustee bodies of the associated funds for enforcement.
As a result, more coherent decisions are made, and the activities of the various authorities reinforce one another to achieve greater coherence.

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