Support programmes
With our financial resources we support individual researchers and research teams with personal fellowships and project funding.
All about support programmes
Weave is a bottom-up cross-European initiative developed by European research funders – and embedded in Science Europe – to support excellent European collaborative research projects across national and regional borders. Based on the Lead Agency Principle, Weave aims to simplify the submission and selection procedure of collaborative project proposals: a European team of researchers from two to three European countries or regions that have signed the Weave initiative, submits their joint project proposal to only one research funder (Lead Agency) who is responsible for the entire administrative procedure and scientific evaluation. Each research funder involved is as such responsible for the payment of its own researchers (i.e. researchers eligible for funding from this research funder). Since Weave will enable bilateral as well as trilateral scientific cooperation within Europe, it will contribute to the realisation of the European Research Area (ERA).
More details on the research funders that joined the Weave initiative as well as the aim, procedures, … can be found on this Weave website. The Weave initiative will be rolled out progressively over the coming years with a possible official accession of new Weave research funders. The eligible collaboration combinations are as such a dynamic fact.
In the framework of the Weave initiative, the FWO has a bilateral agreement with the following countries:
In practice this means that researchers eligible at the FWO can submit together with their non-Flemish/foreign partner (eligible at one of the aforementioned research funders) a bilateral research project to the research funder for which the non-Flemish/foreign partner is eligible. This research funder will act as the Lead Agency and as such be responsible for the entire administrative procedure and scientific evaluation.
Furthermore, where desired, it is possible to extend the project to a trilateral project because all of the aforementioned research funders have concluded bilateral agreements as well with other Weave partners. This paves the way for these trilateral projects (combinations).
Weave is not a new, separate funding programme. It makes use of existing funding channels for fundamental research (with the corresponding timelines and conditions) of the Lead Agency.
Further information about these programmes for the research funders with whom the FWO has signed a bilateral agreement, can be found on the following websites:
The aforementioned information is a crucial part of the eligibility check at Swedish side. Therefore Swedish researchers (and the Swedish part of the joint Weave proposal) must adhere to the restrictions within Formas’ areas of responsibility. Find out more about the focus areas of Formas.
More information about the timeline, conditions, procedure... of each of these research funders can also be found on this Weave website.
The modalities (e.g. budget) and eligibility criteria of the Flemish part follow the regulations of the junior/senior projects for fundamental research. This means among other things:
The application needs to be submitted in its entirety according to the procedure (incl. deadline) in place at the relevant non-Flemish/foreign research funder (Lead Agency). Please make sure that the requested Flemish budget is clearly indicated in detail (per budget year, cost category, type, …) and scientifically justified in the application to the Lead Agency, responsible for evaluating the Flemish budget as well.
Please note: in addition to this submission,
For any further questions regarding Weave, please send an email to
For technical (IT) problems regarding the FWO E-portal, you can contact