Support programmes
With our financial resources we support individual researchers and research teams with personal fellowships and project funding.
All about support programmes
The FWO watches over the scientific integrity from the moment research funding is applied for until the execution of the research and the publication of the research results. Therefore, researchers benefiting from FWO support as well as their host institutions, (co-)promoters and other collaborators involved in FWO research are required to adhere to this scientific integrity at all times.
To this end, elementary rules of behaviour have been laid down in the Ethical Code for scientific research in Belgium and the European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity. Both documents are included in the call for research proposals. The FWO assumes that each researcher has acknowledged these codes from the moment the application is submitted and undertakes to comply with their provisions in all stages of the proposed research. This also applies to their host institutions,
(co-)promoters and collaborators involved in FWO research, for whom the applicant bears partial responsibility.
If there is any doubt about the applicability or implementation of a provision, the host institution and/or the researcher responsible for the project or fellowship at hand will contact the FWO administration in order to clarify or make concrete arrangements about the relevant provision.
The FWO watches over the scientific integrity from the moment research funding is applied for until the execution of the research and the publication of the research results. Therefore, researchers benefiting from FWO support as well as their host institutions, (co-)promoters and other collaborators involved in FWO research are required to adhere to this scientific integrity at all times.
To this end, elementary rules of behaviour have been laid down in the Ethical Code for scientific research in Belgium and the European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity. Both documents are part of this agreement. The FWO assumes that each researcher has acknowledged these codes from the moment the application is submitted and undertakes to comply with their provisions in all stages of the proposed research. This also applies to their host institutions, (co-)promoters and collaborators involved in FWO research, for whom the applicant bears partial responsibility.
If there is any doubt about the applicability or implementation of a provision, the host institution and/or the researcher responsible for the project or fellowship at hand will contact the FWO administration in order to clarify or make concrete arrangements about the relevant provision.