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EUI Fellowship

Offers junior researchers the opportunity to carry out their doctoral research at the EUI in Florence in social sciences and humanities.




Announcement of results


The European University Institute (EUI) in Florence is a renowned institute that offers young researchers the unique opportunity to carry out their doctoral research in an international and outstanding scientific context with a European focus on Social Sciences: History and Civilization, Law, Economics, Political and Social Sciences. For the academic year 2024-2025 the FWO will finance max. two EUI-fellowships for PhD students complying with the eligibility criteria as set out by the FWO. In addition, the FWO will perform the first evaluation round. The EUI is responsible for the final selection of the candidates.


  • Period: 4 years
  • Monthly grant: € 2,050 (the fellowship grant in the 4th year, that is paid by the EUI, will be added by a top-up from FWO, so the grant will remain the same over the four fellowship years)
  • Travel allowance paid by FWO (in first three fellowship years): € 270/year
    • In addition, EUI fellows financed by FWO are eligible to apply for an FWO travel grant (i.e. grant for participation in a conference abroad, grant for participation in a workshop or course abroad, grant for a short study visit abroad and grant for a long stay abroad). Applications for one of these channels need to be submitted no later than 3 months prior to the departure date.
  • Health insurance paid by FWO (in first three fellowship years): CIGNA Health Insurance premium (subscription and more information, also regarding social security, to be obtained through the EUI)
  • Submission: at the EUI (more details, see below: Procedure); the complete application is submitted in English
  • Deadline: 31 January 2024 (14:00 CET)
  • Announcement of results: end of April 2024
  • Start of fellowship: 1st of September 2024

Profile and conditions

  • At the start of the fellowship (1st of September 2024), you must hold a Master's degree awarded by a Flemish university institute. It is possible to exceptionally deviate from this requirement in case you have AND the Belgian nationality, AND you have obtained your Master’s degree in one of the countries of the European Economic Area or Switzerland AND you are sufficiently anchored in Flanders.
  • The Master's degree, on the basis of which the application is submitted, must have been obtained not earlier than three years before the deadline of the call.
  • On the submission deadline of the call, you have 18 months scientific seniority at most.
  • You can apply maximum two times for an EUI fellowship. These applications are not taken into in the framework of the maximally allowed number of times to apply for a regular FWO PhD fellowship (fundamental/strategic).
  • You are allowed to apply for an EUI fellowship and a regular FWO PhD fellowship (fundamental/strategic) at the same time.
  • You have not previously received an EUI fellowship or an FWO fellowship, not even in partly.
  • You agree with the Research Integrity Clause.


  • You submit your application in English through the online tool of the EUI(submission possible as from 01/11/2023 onwards)
  • The eligibility of the applications is checked by the FWO/EUI.
  • The eligible applications are presented to the EUI Advisory Committee of the FWO. Please make sure to submit in Englisha complete research project, including hypothesis, methodology and work plan, for evaluation by the EUI Advisory Committee. This is a specific requirement at FWO side, regardless of the EUI department where a proposal is submitted. The FWO is responsible for the first selection of the proposals.
  • The ranking of the EUI Advisory Committee is presented to the EUI.
  • The EUI makes a pre-selection and invites the best candidates for an interview.
  • The EUI selects two candidates for funding.
  • The EUI informs the candidates of all developments with regard to the application.

Regulations and downloads

More information

Remark: The FWO will receive the personal data related to your candidature from the EUI and will use the personal data for processing your candidature.

When doing so, the FWO respects the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) in regards to the processing of your personal data.

The received data will be handled confidentially by the FWO  and will not be transferred to any third party, with exception of the EUI Advisory Committee that will be appointed by the FWO to judge assess the applications.

The FWO will communicate about successful applicants through its news channels.

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