Art. 2.
The FWO and F.R.S.-FNRS board can allocate EOS project funding to four TYPES of host institutions defined below.
Art. 3.
Host institutions that are fully eligible are defined as TYPE I institutions.
§1. TYPE I-FL: for the Flemish community, the eligible host institutions are the following:
- Universities in the Flemish community;
- The Evangelical Theological Faculty in Leuven and the Faculty of Protestant Theology in Brussels for research related to religious studies or theology;
- The Antwerp Maritime Academy for research related to nautical sciences;
- The Vlerick Management School and the Antwerp Management School for research related to management sciences;
- The Institute of Tropical Medicine for research related to tropical medicine, veterinary medicine or healthcare in developing countries.
TYPE I-FL principal investigators and the spokesperson-coordinator of the consortium must hold at least one of the appointments or research fellowships as governed by the provisions of Article 10, §1.,§2. and §3. of the FWO regulations for research projects fundamental research .
TYPE I-FL co-supervisors should be researchers who have obtained a PhD, with a remunerated appointment at a TYPE I-FL host institution.
If the requirements set out here are not met at the time of the application, the applicant needs to prove that this will be the case at the start of the EOS research project. Moreover, the appointment of the spokesperson coordinator and principal investigator must fully cover the duration of the EOS research project applied for. In addition, the submission of the application shall be subject to prior approval by the Head of institution where the research will be carried out.
§2. TYPE I-FR: for the French-speaking community, the eligible host institutions are the following:
- The six French-speaking universities from the French-speaking community.
TYPE I-FR principal investigators and the spokesperson-coordinator of the consortium should be a permanent researcher of F.R.S.-FNRS (chercheur qualifié, maître de recherches or directeur de recherches en poste), or a researcher holding a tenure track academic or scientific position (or an assimilated position including pending tenure track) within one of the research institutions from the French-speaking community.
This appointment must have a final and conclusive assent from the competent body to legitimize this appointment in accordance with the Law or the university’s regulations at the latest by the beginning of the EOS project.
This academic or scientific position must be effective at the latest by the beginning of the EOS project.
Moreover, the appointment of the spokesperson coordinator and principal investigator must meet these criteria for the duration of the EOS research project applied for.
TYPE I-FR co-supervisors should be researchers who have obtained a PhD, with a remunerated appointment at a TYPE I-FR host institution.
Research logisticians of rank A, as defined by the Royal Decree of 31st October 1953 fixing 'le statut des agrégés, des répétiteurs et des membres du personnel scientifique des universités de l’État', are allowed to be co-supervisor applicant provided they hold a Ph.D.
For the co-supervisors, if the requirements set out here are not met at the time of the submission, the applicant needs to prove that this will be the case at the start of the EOS research project.
The PI, spokesperson or co-supervisor who would have reached retirement at the starting date of the project is not eligible. If the applicant reaches the age of retirement in the course of the project, he/she should precisely describe the handover of his/her tasks in the proposal. Otherwise, the Head institution can provide prior approval to the retired PIs, spokespersons or co-supervisors in order to pursue the project until its completion.
Art. 4
Research institutions of the Flemish and French-speaking community that are not comprised under Art 3. and are not considered as a federal research institution, are eligible for EOS funding and are defined as TYPE II institutions.
§1. TYPE II-FL:The following research institutions of the Flemish community are eligible:
- Institute for Agricultural and Fisheries Research (ILVO);
- Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO);
- Interuniversity Microelectronics Center (IMEC);
- Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp (KMSKA);
- Royal Conservatory of Antwerp;
- Royal Conservatory of Brussels;
- Royal Zoological Society – Antwerp (KMDA);
- Museum of Contemporary Art Antwerp (MuHKA);
- Botanic Garden Meise;
- Flemish Institute for Biotechnology (VIB);
- Flemish Institute for Technological Research (VITO);
- Flemish School of Arts;
- Flanders Make;
- Flanders Marine Institute;
- Flanders Heritage Agency;
- Flanders Hydraulics Research;
- Flemish Peace Institute.
TYPE II-FL principal investigators should be researchers who have obtained a PhD and have a permanent remunerated appointment to one of the above listed TYPE II-FL institutions.
TYPE II-FL co-supervisors should be researchers who have obtained a PhD and have a remunerated appointment at one of the above listed TYPE II-FL institutions.
If the requirements set out here are not met at the time of the application, the applicant needs to prove that this will be the case at the start of the EOS research project. Moreover, the appointment of the principal investigator must fully cover the duration of the EOS research project applied for.
§2. TYPE II-FR:The following research institutions of the French-speaking community are eligible:
- Centre Wallon de Recherches Agronomiques (CRA-W);
- Institut de Recherches Microbiologiques Jean-Marie Wiame (I.R.M.W.);
- Musée Royal de Mariemont.
TYPE II-FR principal investigators should be researchers who have obtained a PhD and have a permanent remunerated appointment to one of the above listed TYPE II-FR institutions.
TYPE II-FR co-supervisors should be researchers who have obtained a PhD and have a remunerated appointment at one of the above listed TYPE II-FR institutions.
If the requirements set out above are not met at the time of the submission the applicant needs to prove that this will be the case at the start of the EOS research project. Moreover, the appointment of the principal investigator must meet these criteria for the duration of the EOS research project applied for.
The PI or co-supervisor who would have reached retirement at the starting date of the project is not eligible. If the applicant reaches the age of retirement in the course of the project, he/she should precisely describe the handover of his/her tasks in the proposal. Otherwise, the Head institution can provide prior approval to the retired PIs or co-supervisors in order to pursue the project until its completion.
Art 5
The federal research institutions listed below are eligible for EOS funding and are defined as TYPE III institutions:
Official Federal Research Institutions:
- State Archives of Belgium
- Royal Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy
- Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
- Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage
- Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium
- Royal Museum for Central Africa
- Royal Library of Belgium
- Royal Museums of Art and History
- Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium
- Royal Observatory of Belgium
Assimilated Federal Research Institutions:
- Veterinary and Agrochemical Research Center
- National Institute of Criminalistics and Criminology
- Scientific Institute of Public Health
- Royal Military Academy
- Belgian Nuclear Research Center (SCK/CEN)
- Von Karman Institute
- Royal Museum of the Armed Forces and Military History
TYPE III principal investigators should be researchers who have obtained a PhD and have a permanent remunerated appointment to one of the above listed federal institutions.
TYPE III co-supervisors should be researchers who have obtained a PhD and have a remunerated appointment at one of the above listed federal institutions.
If the requirements set out here are not met at the time of the application, the applicant needs to prove that this will be the case at the start of the EOS research project. Moreover, the appointment of the principal investigator must fully cover the duration of the EOS research project applied for.
Art 6.
Any foreign research institution is also eligible for EOS funding and is defined as a TYPE IV institution.
TYPE IV principal investigators should be researchers who have obtained a PhD and have a permanent remunerated appointment at the concerned TYPE IV research institution.
TYPE IV co-supervisors should be researchers who have obtained a PhD and have a remunerated appointment at the concerned TYPE IV research institution.
If the requirements set out here are not met at the time of the application, the applicant needs to prove that this will be the case at the start of the EOS research project. Moreover, the appointment of the principal investigator must fully cover the duration of the EOS research project applied for.